As of November 25, 2024, we no longer support Audiobooks.

Suggestions for use

For you to get the best experience, remember to delete the downloaded content in the emulator once you have finished the conversion. This will reduce the waiting time for the next use.

The Downloader Version

Some users want to use the downloader version. Be willing to take the risk of having your account frozen at your own risk. I provide the download link here. We strongly discourage this behaviour.

Get Everand Books and Sheet Music, read them locally

Step By Step Guide

  1. You need an Android Emulator, enable root & adb connection, for Windows, you can visit here, for MacOS, visit here. In fact, you can choose any emulator you like. Just make sure to turn on root and adb.
  2. Install Everand apk in the Android Emulator, download apk here.
  3. Log in your account in the emulator, download books you want in the everand app
  4. Open z3kit Everand Converter, It will show the books you downloaded
  5. Drag & drop the books you want to the main panel
  6. Click the “Convert” button