Audible is an online audiobook and podcast platform owned by Inc. The service allows users to purchase and stream audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content; this content can be purchased individually, or under a subscription model where the user receives “credits” that can be spent on content monthly, and receive access to a curated on-demand library of content. Audible is the United States’ largest audiobook producer and retailer.
Format | Bitrate | Rate | Channel | Container | Description | System Platform |
AA | 32kb/s | 22.05kHz | Mono | MP3 | MP3 sound | Windows & MacOS |
AAX | 32-128kb/s | 22.05-44.10kHz | Mono or Stereo | MPEG-4 Part 14 | AAC sound | Windows & MacOS |
AAXC | 32-128kb/s | 22.05-44.10kHz | Mono or Stereo | MPEG-4 Part 14 | AAC sound | iOS & Android |
- AA file is actually a DRM-protected mp3
- AAX file is actually a DRM-protected M4B container with AAC sound
- AAXC is almost identical to AAX, except that the DRM-protection algorithm has changed
From the user’s point of view, the advantage of AAXC over AAX is that it can played online and downloaded while listening. It is expected that Audible will definitely migrate all files to the AAXC format in the future.
You can only use the Audible app for authorization to play the corresponding content, and you cannot freely play your Audible content. If you want that, you need to remove the DRM protection from your files.
- For AAX & AA files, you can use z3kit Audible Converter to convert them to MP3 & MP4, and then listen anywhere.
- For AAXC files, you can use z3kit Audible AAXC Converter to convert them to MP3 & MP4, and then listen anywhere.
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